What should be included in the hard copy file to be submitted to EKOME? - EKOME


What should be included in the hard copy file to be submitted to EKOME?

What should be included in the hard copy file to be submitted to EKOME?

Examples of the hard copy documentation are:

a) Report by the Certified Auditor in accordance with the standard specified in the corresponding JMD 1086/22.03.2021;

(b) copies of the supporting documents for all eligible expenses, stamped with the application form’s unique number, clearly photocopied from the originals, with an equally clear proof of payment attached;

(c) a list of supporting documents requested by the Operator and their settlement (see standard file “BUDGET AND REPORTING TABLE TEMPLATE” in the Aid Request Guide). To facilitate the audit, this table should also be included in the electronic files the entity uploads to the State Aid Information System (SAIS) during the audit request stage;

(d) supplier account statements (records);

(e) the Operator’s current account statement;

(f) the USB 3.0 hard disk with the audiovisual material supporting the fulfilment of the cultural criteria;

g) If the operator has regular staff working for the investment plan in question, the hard copy shall include detailed timesheets of the hours spent on the investment plan (in relation to the total hours worked).

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