What is the required documentation the Operator has to file with an Audit Request? - EKOME


What is the required documentation the Operator has to file with an Audit Request?

What is the required documentation the Operator has to file with an Audit Request?

To assist investment Operators, EKOME developed and uploaded at www.ependyseis.gr (Information) a State Aid Request Submission Guide, which clarifies the number and type of supporting documents necessary to file a Audit Request. Please note that filing of the request consists of two stages: (A) firstly, the electronic application is submitted at www.ependyseis.gr with the supporting documents in electronic format; (B) a hard copy with copies of the supporting documents and the necessary accompanying documents is submitted to EKOME (as described in the State Aid Request Submission Guide), along with the Certified Auditor’s Report, in accordance with the standard specified in the corresponding JMD 7651/2021 (Government Gazette B/1086).

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